Afghans of Paris against talibans

Paris – 22 août 2021

On August 22, 2021, a week after the capture of Kabul by the Taliban, the Afghans of France gathered in Paris. They were demonstrating against the Taliban, but also to express their concern for their relatives in Afghanistan. They are asking the French government to take measures to evacuate their families. Some have been waiting for years for France to validate their family reunification file. It is a right for statutory refugees and those who have subsidiary protection in France to bring their wives and children. But the files are behind schedule, and families are now trapped in a country almost completely controlled by the Taliban.

On the Place de la République, speakers have followed one another. Reza Jafari, president of the Children of Afghanistan and Elsewhere association, often speaks out for Afghan refugees in France. He also asked that France make a greater effort to evacuate the Afghans in danger.

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