Demonstration of support for Afghans

Paris, Place de la République - September 5, 2021

Three weeks after the capture of Kabul by the Taliban on August 15, 2021, a demonstration in support of the Afghans takes place in Paris. The rally is organized by dozens of associations including SOS Racisme, Enfants d'Afghanistan et d'ailleurs, Utopia 56, Gisti, La Cimade, Osez le feminism, etc. These affirm their solidarity with the people in Afghanistan who risk being the first targets of the Taliban repression: human rights defenders, members of religious minorities, journalists, women exposed in various ways, LGBT people ... The organizations demand that the France guarantees an unconditional welcome to Afghan civilians who manage to leave the country, as well as to those who are already there and whose asylum requests have not yet been processed or have been rejected.

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