Demonstration for the rights of Afghan women

Paris - September 19, 2021

Demonstration, from Place de la République to Town Hall, for the rights of Afghan women, organized at the call of numerous feminist associations. The demonstration brought together several thousand people, including many supporters of Ahmad Massoud, son of the mujahideen Ahmad Shad Massoud. They carry the black-white-green flag of Massoud.
In addition to the anti-Taliban slogans, the protesters also shouted their demand that France take responsibility and welcome many more than the 2,600 Afghans it evacuated by plane since the fall of Kabul. (The French army participated in the occupation of the country for fourteen years.) Patriotic songs made young flag bearers cry, and the demonstration ended to the sound of Afghan pop and the smoke of smoke bombs from the Afghan flag colors. Here, an Afghan woman who carries the flag of the Hazaras, proclaims “our voice is our weapon”.

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